Triada 2 Grab Bag!

If you purchase the Grab Bag for the June, July or August events, here’s what you’ll be getting:

[AVD Oasis Victorium] x1
1 pips (consumable)
Bottled to commemorate the defeat of the Stampede

TAG: [Battle Tested]
Oasis surviving the Stampede has filled people with a sense of pride in their community. They can handle whatever the Wasteland throws at them.

ONE of the following, for each character attending:

New CARDS! These are items that will be entered into your LIT, and be useful for this entire triada! Neat! (These are Non Mechanical Items. While they won’t do anything at live games, they’ll be useful at our Events!)

  • Barrows Derringer - Good for fighting!

  • Trinitite Knife - Good for doing brain magic!

  • MK Dune Buggy - Good for being out in the wasteland!

  • CMC Fancy Clothes - Good for attending civilized parties!

  • BAR Science Thingy - Probably helps figure stuff out!

  • Flashback Spear - Probably helps survive flora and fauna!

Pick up your Grab Bag when you register for the next virtual event!


June Event Announcements!


Local Bravado Bones Mechanics